Message from the dean
Founded in 1950 by pioneers who wished to create a musical environment that would foster exploration and experimentation, the Université de Montréal Faculty of Music ranks with the greatest musical institutions in Canada. It stands out in the French-speaking world through an ecosystem based on diversity and on collaboration among musical disciplines, through its openness to other areas of knowledge, and through its synergy with the professional world.
The students who pass through our institution are seeking to build careers in a wide range of music-related occupations. We are committed to offering them top-level training in a stimulating and welcoming environment that values diversity, that positions itself as a hub for research and research-creation, and that above all believes deeply in the place and role of musicians in our society.
Connected to other great institutions elsewhere in the world, our Faculty allows its students to enjoy experiences outside our walls and to take the measure of themselves on the international stage. Whatever the programs, students must find essential professional tools there that are conducive to the development of their careers.
Our in-residence organizations can enrich their academic careers and contribute to anchoring what they have learned in the professional environment.
Finally, the community-oriented projects of our École LUMI, which has been training children and adolescents in music for more than 30 years, constitute exceptional opportunities for our students to develop their teaching abilities and to cultivate a spirit of commitment that corresponds to our values.

It is therefore not surprising that, on the basis of our convictions and our assets, the great ambition of the strategic plan that has been conceived and drafted after several consultations within the faculty community is to transform the world through music.
Music is present in all the societies of the world. Considering that it irrigates our lives in different ways, that our consumption habits evolve over time, that dialogue among cultures will create the future, the Faculty of Music is preparing, thanks to this strategic plan, to enhance its influence and to become a major player in the music industry, training young people who are ever more passionate, competent, creative and conscious of their power to make the world a better place.
Nathalie Fernando

Our mission and our vision
Anchored in the realities of the cultural environment of today, the Université de Montréal Faculty of Music trains students to think, to create and to pursue careers in the musical world of tomorrow.
The Université de Montréal Faculty of Music is an essential gathering place for those seeking to grow, to explore, and to reshape the world through music.
Our values
Our 4 major goals
1. Learning experiences
Offering all members of our student community learning experiences that will help them, thanks to music, become influential players in the world of tomorrow.
3. Profile raising
Mobilizing the Faculty community with a view to promoting the identity, expertise and achievements of the Faculty.
2. Research and creation
Stimulating advances in artistic and scientific research aimed at developing knowledge and skills in music.
4. Living environment
Creating and maintaining a welcoming and inspiring living environment that kindles commitment, a sense of belonging, and pride.