Béatrice Roy
Bachelor’s in performance student (classical percussion)

- Could you talk to us briefly about your background?
I’m a native Montrealer, and I started music at Dorval-Jean-XXIII high school. In my fourth year there I got to be seriously interested in the marimba, playing in the school band. Later I went for an audition in classical percussion at Cégep de Saint-Laurent without even knowing that the discipline would include a whole range of fantastic instruments! When I finished my DCS, the pleasure that would come from mastering these percussive instruments encouraged me to continue my studies at the UdeM Faculty of Music.
- Why choose performance at the Faculty of Music?
I’m enrolled in a bachelor’s in performance, classical percussion option. After exploring a number of Montreal music schools, I quickly realized that my values and my aspirations were more in synch with the Faculty of Music. Most particularly, my affinity with the percussion instructor who teaches there, Julien Grégoire, plus the abundance of contemporary music played and taught there convinced me that I made the right choice!
- What do you like best about the Faculty?
I love the family atmosphere at the Faculty among the students as well as among the teaching staff and the administrative personnel.
- Which teacher inspires you?
Beyond a doubt, it’s my percussion teacher, Julien Grégoire! Not only is he an accomplished musician, but a very inspiring person besides: I learn as much from him musically as I do about life. He’s a sage who’s young at heart, and I consider myself lucky to call him my teacher!
- For you, performance is what, exactly?
Performance for me is a richer way of communicating emotions than through words. It’s universal and at the same time highly personal.
- What, in your view, gives the UdeM Faculty of Music its special “color”?
The Faculty is a top-quality institution, a place as dynamic as it is congenial where musicians can excel.
- In what way is your stay at the Faculty of Music influencing your life?
Without my time at the Faculty of Music, it’s impossible for me to imagine that I’d be the same musician as the one I am today. I’ve been able to develop so much in this environment, which while being warm and welcoming has also pushed me to improve.
- In your time at the Faculty of Music, you must have interacted with memorable people who had an impact on your development. Could you talk to us about one (or some) of them?
It’s more like a group of people who’ve left a mark on my stay at the Faculty: the executive of the student association, the AÉMUM. I`ve had the opportunity to be involved with the association externally, as vice-president and as president over the years. Claiming and defending the rights of the student community is truly gratifying.
- Describe an ambitious (or completely crazy!) project you’ve worked on.
With the percussion workshop we had the chance to work on repertoire from all over the map, with a variety of instruments. Sometimes they were contemporary works by emerging composers, other times great works in the repertoire: for example, the movement “Peaux” from Iannis Xenakis’s Pléïades. In 2018, the UdeM percussion workshop got to take part in the Rhythmopolis festival at Place des Arts. We had to wend our way through the crowd playing rocks (!) or flexatones!
- What are the three most plus important qualities for a musician?
You have to be punctual, be well-prepared and have an entrepreneurial character.
- Beyond music, what are your interests or passions?
I love cross-country skiing, yoga and ultimate Frisbee!
- What are your plans for the future?
I’m considering doing a master’s at the Faculty as well as a student exchange in the Netherlands through the exchanges offered by UdeM and Maison internationale. After that, I’d like to be able to earn a living fulfilling my passion!
April 2022