Laurène Patard
Bachelor’s in performance, classical instruments student

Instrument: violin
Country of origin: France (Toulouse)
Arrival at the Faculty of Music: autumn 2019
- What do you like most about the Faculty of Music? Is there a teacher in particular who’s been a source of inspiration for you?
What I like most about the Faculty of Music is the kindliness and the great atmosphere. The caring on the part of the teachers: we’re always encouraged in a positive way, and pushed to do the best we can. And the great atmosphere among the students: you can meet lots of people from all backgrounds, and we feel well supported.
My violin teacher Laura Andriani is the one who’s inspired me the most since I’ve been at Université de Montréal: her classes are so interesting and rich that I could listen to her for hours!
- How has your stay at the Faculty of Music influenced your life?
The decision to come and study at Université de Montréal was an important choice. I’d felt like going abroad for some time, having already done 15 years of musical training in France. I could have enrolled in France and done an exchange year, but I preferred to do fulltime studies somewhere else. It’s very enriching, as much in terms of studies as in life generally speaking. I think that’s allowed me to open up, to discover things, and to get the most out of my years as a student.
- How will you remember the Faculty of Music when your studies are over? Is there a vivid memory or an anecdote that comes to mind?
I think (and I hope!) that there will be nothing but happy memories left. I remember my first days at school here, when I still didn’t know anyone and I was just finding my way around ‒ it was impressive! And above all my first orchestra rehearsal, with the OUM: discovering Salle Claude Champagne, meeting our conductor, Jean-François Rivest. It was really intimidating!
- Which aspects of life in Montréal and of Québec culture do you particularly enjoy?
What struck me the most when I arrived in Montréal was the welcome of Quebecers and the kindness in general. You feel good right away and made to feel at home. What I love about Montréal is that it’s so alive culturally and that there are always things to see and do. You don’t get bored, not in summer and not in winter!
- What advice would you give to a first-year student?
To not hesitate to reach out to others and to make a lot of encounters; the start of the year is the best time for that: you can forge contacts and wonderful friendships.
- What would you like to say to students who are thinking of coming to continue their education at the Faculty of Music?
Once again, don’t hesitate! For international students, this is a university with lots of exchanges, lots of languages are spoken and you don’t feel lost! And it’s an opportunity to make wonderful encounters and to work with very fine teachers. Plus, I’ve got friends from Toulouse who are joining me here next year!
November 2020