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/ Music Faculty

Je donne



For several years, the students, the teachers and the research teams of the Université de Montréal Faculty of Music have been able to count on the invaluable support of donors.

Dear patrons, you are an integral part of the faculty. Your support contributes significantly to the success of the Faculty of Music and to the excellence of the training offered there in numerous study disciplines.

We are fortunate to include you among the members of our community, and are proud to be presenting some of your portraits.

Get to know our donors

Hung Phong Nguyen

Donateur engagé pour la musique grâce à la bourse John Haigh Johnston – Hung Phong Nguyen, il facilite l’accès aux études pour les étudiant·e·s internationaux·ales en musique.


Louise Roy

Donor of an excellence grant in classical singing and a career start fund


Fichman Stephen

Grand donateur à la Faculté de musique de l'Université de Montréal depuis 2016


« It’s up to the younger generation to make our world better through Culture and Art. Thus, I’ve donated to the Faculty of Music towards the acquisition of an exceptional instrument, so that students can express their true artistic ability. »

– David Sela, entrepreneur and donor

Your scholarships foster the success of our students, who can continue their studies and invest themselves wholly in their art, to our great delight.

Thanks to your financial support, our faculty ensembles can present concerts and events as ambitious as they are educational. You heighten the quality and scope of our opera productions, allowing us to offer learning conditions worthy of the profession.

In addition to facilitating their research or creative-research projects, we can also enhance our students’ training by offering them inspiring lectures and masterclasses given by well-known artists and specialists.

Thanks to your generosity, we can acquire prestige instruments, such as the new Hamburg Steinway piano in Salle Claude-Champagne, allowing our young artists to take their approach a step further and refine their playing. 

Would you to like to help make this happen?

Elin Soderstrom
Conseillère spécialisée en développement philanthropique
514 343-6111, poste 1993