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Ensemble de musique contemporaine (Contemporary Music Ensemble)

Under the direction of conductor Jean-Michaël Lavoie

The Ensemble de musique contemporaine de l'Université de Montréal (EMC) is an instrumental ensemble formed of 15 to 25 soloists screened by auditions. During a two-years term, as part of a professionalizing cursus in contemporary music, every soloist will profit from a individual mentorship with the members of the Nouvel Ensemble Moderne (NEM), ensemble in residence at the Université de Montréal Faculty of Music.

The student collective that makes up this ensemble is mandated with reflecting on the different ways of creating music today. As precursors of and as future actors in a vision of the music of tomorrow, the Ensemble's soloists have the opportunity to participate in collaborative sound composition and creation projects as well as in Faculty of Music research projects:

Resource person

Jean-Michaël Lavoie, Music Director
514 343-5854